A Tier 1 silver development asset that keeps getting better
Cordero is the world’s largest undeveloped silver reserve. Based on the results of the Feasibility Study issued on February 20, 2024, Cordero will be one of the largest silver producers globally, with low unit costs that will generate substantial cash flows and attractive returns. It is a project that will deliver valuable benefits to Mexico in terms of job creation, skills training, investment, local purchasing and generating tax revenue. The project is being developed to meet the highest environmental standards and, in 2023, was honoured with the Quality Environmental Certification by PROFEPA (Mexico’s Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection) which recognizes companies that achieve full compliance with Mexico’s environmental regulations. Cordero has all the attributes of a high-quality project: grade, scale, significant organic growth opportunities and ideal location in mining-friendly Chihuahua state along a prolific silver belt.